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<SOLVED> Need Suggestions on how to keep hard drives cooler?

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Solved my temperatures issues by selling the Icy Box and re-installing my stock hdd cage.  All of my drive do not go any higher than 35 C even when conducting a parity check.  Icy Box Tech recontacted me via email about my issue, and conducted a test with several drives, but non of them were 2tb Seagate green drives.  Even with the drives they tested some of them got up to 45C.


I didn't feel comfortable with this temps.  So, I'm going to settle with the stock hdd cage.

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If you do decide to buy another 5in3 in the future, I really like the supermicro unit.

The downside to those is the fan is pretty loud. If you plan to use this server in an area where sound matters, you can use a fan controller with them and turn speed way down and get them pretty quiet and still offer excellent cooling. then you have the option to turn them back up on a hot summer day if your house gets to warm.

you could also replace the fan with a quiet 92mm fan. i have noctua NF-B9's in mine now.


Several people also recommend the Norco units. I have never used one so I can not give any information on them.


Just keep your eyes pealed for a sale on either model.

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Several people who own the Supermicro and Norco said that they run cooler, but are a little louder due to the fan.  At the moment, I am running the stock hdd cage, and I just ordered two more 3x4 cages with front intake fan similar to my stock hdd cage for less than $55 shipped.  So, I will be using those for a while.


However, if I see a good sale for either Supermico or Norco, I'll buy them ;).  Thanks for the input.

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