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Plugins not being installed

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I've been trying to get the SimpleFeatures WebServer plugin working and get CouchPotato running, so I thought I'd strip my install back to basics, and tried to remove UnMenu to avoid any conflicts. However I stupidly didn't backup! I have a old backup from a few weeks ago but that was from before I installed a bunch of plugins and things. My problem is that none of the plugins in the config/plugins folder are installing/being configured on bootup. They don't show in the GUI to allow me to install them.


To get to where I am now here's what I did:


Spent a while getting CouchPotato working, then decided to get the webserver pluging working (assuming a conflict), I stopped UnMenu, deleted the unmenu folder, deleted the packages folder, and removed the 2 lines related to unmenu from the go script. Rebooted.


I'm using 5.0-beta14 with the SimpleFeatures plugin.


It's probably something obvious I've missed I'm sure but I'm at a loss how to fix it without going back to the older backup.

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The Simplefeatures plugin requires the simple features webgui to be in the same directory. I know the wiki has you put it in the /boot/extra folder on the USB drive. I have not done enough research yet, but it looks like the .plg goes in the plugins directory and the .tgz goes in the extra folders. This may not be the case, but the plugins I have installed in b14 seem to follow this.


Not shire about crashplan

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Hi thanks for the reply, I have the simple features plugin installed in the extras folder and then plugins using the plg type config like simple features webplugin, couchpotato, sabnzbd etc in the config/plugins folder.


I think I have it setup correctly because before I deleted unmenu the plugins (except simple features webplugin) worked well. Simple features GUI is working well too, I'm very impressed by it!


I might have to bight the bullet and go back to my earlier backup :(

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Have you attempted to download the SimpleFeatures WebServer plugin in plg format put it in the plugin directory and install from a telnet session?



cd /boot/config/plugins

installplg /boot/plugins/simplefeatures_webserver.plg


once install is complete you can go back to the main unRAID browser window and it should show up under the settings tab.

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I reinstalled UnMenu back onto the server and my CouchPotato, sabnzbd etc all install correctly on boot up now. Not sure why removing UnMenu would break the automatic installation of other plugins? Since that's now working I should mark it as solved.


I've done your suggestion, the webserver plugin installs ok but now doesn't start, the status always says stopped. This was the problem I had prior to removing UnMenu. I've now come full circle but at least my other plugins work now  :)  I guess I should ask in the webserver thread.

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