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Can I backup my 4.5 and go right to the 5.0 RC?

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Thanks for all your hard work - I rebooted everything...  even my microwave and refrigerator.


It looks like everything's working now as far as browsing my drives (\\tower\disk1, \\tower\disk5, etc.)...  but now the web GUI doesn't show up.  (Got the syslog from a Telnet session.)  :-)


I haven't rerun the permissions utility again...  Should I?  How do I get the basic GUI back?  And then should I do UnMenu or the CrashPlan plugin next?  Thanks for the continued help.


Thanks again,



The GUI is now at a new URL.  Make sureyou are not using an old bookmark.   

It is now


It used to be onthe 4.7and previous series:



Then, if just the top banner shows, you need to disable the installation of PHP via unMENU or otherwise.  (or set the use of short-tags in its .ini file to YES)



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Hi Joe,


Thanks for jumping in to help.  I usually just type "tower" into my browser (well, I use MY tower's name).  :-)


It's not working - and I've had a successful GUI session since upgrading...  Just not since I rebooted my UnRaid.


I also can't get my syslog through my browser following these instructions: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=9880.msg94514.msg#94514  And I was able to before I rebooted.


I suspect the web server part has failed to start somehow  (syslog two messages above).


(MBryanR, re-reading EVERYTHING in this thread, I'm now trying to learn about Simple Features versus UnMenu.  Why use one or the other or both?  I was primarily using UnMenu for its plugins feature and ability to see percentage of each disk full)


I saw your note on UnMenu, and I don't know what it means:

<note: the stock unRAID 5 webgui doesn't like the php files from unMenu and need to removed>

I don't know what needs to be removed - the stock unRaid webgui or the unMneu php files - or how to do it.


Kinda wondering when is the "polite time" to start a new thread.  :-)


Open to ideas,



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I usually just type "tower" into my browser (well, I use MY tower's name).  :-)


It's not working - and I've had a successful GUI session since upgrading...  Just not since I rebooted my UnRaid.


I suspect the web server part has failed to start somehow  (syslog two messages above).

Likely it is emhttp hung up. I've had that issue with 4.7 as well.  What I used to do is restart the emhttp service through telnet.  I saw Tom mention that is not the proper way to restart the service....so I won't give you the command  :P;D



Rebooting the array will bring it back most of the time, though I've found that  I have complete success with a full shutdown, then power up.


To shutdown your server through telnet: 


After the array is stopped enter: "shutdown -r now"


Also, let the server fully boot up before attempting to access through the webgui. Don't know why, but that seems to be an issue that will cause emhttp to hang.


Another thing I've done at the same time is flushdns from my client.


and clear your browser history.


Finally, manually type in what Joe listed above in your browser, and if that doesn't work..type in the IP address/Main


(....I'm now trying to learn about Simple Features versus UnMenu.  Why use one or the other or both?  I was primarily using UnMenu for its plugins feature and ability to see percentage of each disk full)

Others should jump in here...but unMENU is great for exactly what you are using it for.  Most of the functionality has been developed by Joe, and the basis for many of the plugins for v5.


Most of the functionality of unMENU has been built into Simple Features. It is a "prettier" version of unMENU with the ability to easily add plugins which are the basis of the new interface. You will get to see the % of disk usage under "STATS"...and much more.


You can run both with no issue* <see below> I don't because much of the functionality is duplicated, and the only thing I really miss is the SMART history.

Read more here:


Note: There is a crontab error that may occur.  I have not run into this error, I believe because I created a monthly parity check from within the SimpleFeatures UI.

Read the posts around here:





I saw your note on UnMenu, and I don't know what it means:

<note: the stock unRAID 5 webgui doesn't like the php files from unMenu and need to removed>


I don't know what needs to be removed - the stock unRaid webgui or the unMneu php files - or how to do it.

Kinda wondering when is the "polite time" to start a new thread.  :-)

Clear as mud...right?! :D That is what I get/give? when I don't fully understand the root cause.

Right now you are able to access the stock webgui because you haven't started unMENU in your "go" script.

The php.ini file from the unMENU package needs to be removed. Otherwise you will get a webgui like this when running both:



You can also edit the php.ini file this way (Thanks Joe!), which is probably the correct thing to do:



Also, reading that link- it is unRAID-Web that was causing the issue. Learn something every time.  :)


Edit: You can start a new thread anytime. The syslog looks clean, can tell you used MC to create top level shares; btw, looks like you are using RC5, not RC5-8168. If you have any issues with the 8169 LAN driver within RC5...you can always try RC5-8168.


Edit2:  Keep it simple first. Crashplan can be added later once everything is stable and accessible.

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Man, thanks again for the wealth of information and help.  You've got me up and running now.  I've shut down and restarted my 5.0-rc5 a few times now and it's working perfectly (and since, in the course of all this, I saw my syslog refer to a few duplicate files - I've got some extra free space I didn't have before!).  :-)


So, I'm off to try Simple Features and/or UnMenu....  then, hopefully I can get CrashPlan going - since that was my true impetus for the upgrade to begin with.  :-)


Thanks again for all your help.... I've have been lost without it.


Russell Schutte



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Hi MBryanR,


I did the parity check, as you suggested - it's all good...  and then got Simple Features installed - works well - thought I wish I knew what some of the options/plugins do.  Oh well.


Lastly, I'm not working on the CrashPlan again... and I'm stuck... again...  This damn CrashPlan is planning to ruin me.  :-)


Here's where I'm stuck:  http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=15921.msg188353#msg188353





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