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Can I backup my 4.5 and go right to the 5.0 RC?

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Hi Guys,


I messed around with the Crashplan plugin for DAYS about a year ago - and I have some "tinkering time" again, so I thought I'd backup my 4.5.4 flash drive (Pro License), install the newest RC, and fire things back up.  Should I expect any issues with that?  How do I transfer my Pro License to the newly formatted flash?


Then I hope I can install UnRaid and get the CrashPlan plugin going.  :-)




Russell Schutte

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This is a bad idea. Follow the upgrade instructions carefully.

Agreed.  bad idea to upgrade directly.

Instructions ask you to upgrade to 4.7 first, then to the latest RC. 


Those who try to shortcut the process often run into issues.  Make absolutely certain you back up the config/go folder before doing anything and ALSO after you upgrade to 4.7.  It is the only way to recover from some errors.

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Hi Guys,


Thanks for clarifying.  I'm disappointed that I don't feel like my Unraid works well now (NEVER get a clean shutdown, can't get CrashPlan working, and at least one other thing I can't remember).


I expect those issues will stick through upgrades, since they're probably user error on my end... I simply feel like I've upgraded too many times already (been using UnRaid for 3-4 years now).  Like with Windows boxes, I thought it just made sense to start clean sometimes.


Until that's possible, I guess I'll just leave it alone - so thanks for the advice.


A bit disappointed,


Russell Schutte

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You will be starting "clean". Post your hardware, there may be some specific issues that others can advise you on what to do before each step.


Here is what I would do:

Backup flash drive to your local computer (that way you can easily revert to 4.5.6 with your customizations)


delete (or rename) /boot/packages.


delete all lines out of the config/go script except the top three.  They should then be:


# Start the Management Utility

/usr/local/sbin/emhttp &


then stop the array and reboot.

Then upgrade to 4.7



Stop the array and reboot.

Verify your array starts properly.

Back up flash drive again with 4.7 files.

Then upgrade to 5.0RC5



If you run into any problems at any point, stop and post a thread.

Then you can add the new 5.x plugins.

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Please don't take any shortcuts.  I learned the lesson the hard way with my motorcycle.


(little off topic)  I rebuilt the carbs but  because I needed the bike running right away, I made many shortcuts.  The result is a really crappy running bike.  (Sticking Float valves and the like).  That's because I did not take the time to properly clean the carbs.  Now I have to take the carbs out again and re-do the job the right way, properly.  And let me tell you, getting the carbs out of the bike is a pain in the A**.


Follow the instructions above.  Also make note all drive manufacturer and drive models with Firmware revisions.  I believe the WEB interface shows this info.  Make sure these drives are up to date on the firmware, as some versions of firmware may cause issues with unraid.


Take your time, read the upgrade documentation, and you will come out of this just fine.  Personally, I have not bothered to upgrade yet to 5 (on 4.7) because I don't have the need for 3TB support.  As the release date gets closer (as it appears to be right now) I will make the upgrade to RC.


Good luck, there are many people here that will help you out if you have questions or get into trouble.  Make sure you back up your flash drives before proceeding with the upgrade. 


-- Sideband Samurai

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I'm always so impressed with the forums here.  UnRaid, while it's been good to me for many years and works astoundingly well from the user perspective, is unforgiving and complex for "normies" when it comes to upgrades.  :-)


To keep things simple, I've always used ONLY the "unofficial official unraid hardware," so I hope I'm okay with upgrading.  (Can't find my old post which would list my hardware - seems they get deleted after a few years).


I know I don't want to take any shortcuts - I wasn't wanting to skip an upgrade for that reason - I just feel my install isn't anywhere near clean.  Good luck with your bike Sideband.


I have a few questions:


1.  When I'm in Midnight Commander, under /mnt/, I see "disk1", "disk2", etc.  I also have a "user" folder.  Am I supposed to?  What should be in it?  (I have a whole ton of JPGs, a bunch of folders full of things, and other non-UnRaid files in there).  As far as I can tell, there's nothing UnRaid in there - and I think I should use Midnight Commander to move "user" to one of my disks?


2.  I know I have a failed CrashPlan install and can see in \flash\packages\ a lot of things:


- CrashPlan_3.0.3_Linux.tgz

- CrashPlan_3.0.3.cpi

- a CrashPlan-install folder

- openssh files  (dated the same day as CrashPlan, I think part of my attempted install)

- openssl files    (ditto)

- cpio files          (ditto)

- jre-6u11 files    (ditto)

- monthly_parity_check files (another add-on that I never got working)


Is there a way I can clean this up?  Some of these might be working - many probably aren't.  I was wondering if I could just delete everything that isn't a CONF File (since those seem to be the standard).  There's also a scripts folder in there (\flash\packages\scripts\) that has a bunch of CrashPlan stuff and a run.conf file.  Can I do the same - keep the CONF File and delete the rest?


3.  I have UnMenu (Version 1.3 Revision: 97) running.  Is there a way to uninstall it - then install the newest version when I'm upgraded?  Or what's the proper way to handle this?


4.  I'm a bit freaked out about the "Permissions Utility" thing that lots of people seem to be struggling with.  I presume I'll be okay following instructions - I only use the "root" account, since it's just me using UnRaid.


Thanks so much for all your help.


Russell Schutte



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I forgot the most important advice:


Take a screen shot of your devices page! This will help you reassign any drives to their proper slots during the upgrade. Make backups of your 4.5.6, and 4.7 flash drive. This will be very helpful if you need to revert. The super.dat file is not compatible between 4.7 and 5x...so if you attempt to revert to 4.7 from 5 by only changing the bzroot and bzimage files, you'll end up with "too many missing or wrong disks"



To keep things simple, I've always used ONLY the "unofficial official unraid hardware," so I hope I'm okay with upgrading.  (Can't find my old post which would list my hardware - seems they get deleted after a few years).

I found them through your profile posts. :-)


I just feel my install isn't anywhere near clean.  Good luck with your bike Sideband.

My 4.7 flash drive wasn't clean either, but easy to start over. <post some picks Sideband!>



1.  When I'm in Midnight Commander, under /mnt/, I see "disk1", "disk2", etc.  I also have a "user" folder.  Am I supposed to?  What should be in it?  (I have a whole ton of JPGs, a bunch of folders full of things, and other non-UnRaid files in there).  As far as I can tell, there's nothing UnRaid in there - and I think I should use Midnight Commander to move "user" to one of my disks?

That is a user share that you created at some point, and likely spread across your disks depending on the share allocation and space available. It will still be there when you get to 5x. Or you can locate the files on each disk, and move them to a single disk if you have space.


2.  I know I have a failed CrashPlan install and can see in \flash\packages\ a lot of things....


Is there a way I can clean this up?  There's also a scripts folder in there (\flash\packages\scripts\) that has a bunch of CrashPlan stuff and a run.conf file.  Can I do the same - keep the CONF File and delete the rest?

I would delete it all including the conf files. Those won't be compatible with 5.x; and from reading your previous attempts at Crashplan..not useful with 4.7


3.  I have UnMenu (Version 1.3 Revision: 97) running.  Is there a way to uninstall it - then install the newest version when I'm upgraded?  Or what's the proper way to handle this?


I would probably uninstall, then re-install once your array is running on unRAID 5, keep it clean during the upgrade process  <note: the stock unRAID 5 webgui doesn't like the php files from unMenu and need to removed>


Uninstalling is easy, just delete the files/folders and clean up your "go" script as in my post above.


If you plan to go with 5x; Simple Features is a good option.


4.  I'm a bit freaked out about the "Permissions Utility" thing that lots of people seem to be struggling with.  I presume I'll be okay following instructions - I only use the "root" account, since it's just me using UnRaid.


I was concerned at first as well, but found as long as you run the new permissions utility, most problems will be avoided.

Unless you keep all shares as "public" <which I do>, you will want to create a new user and password. If you run with all shares as public, the owner will be nobody, and any client can access the shares without a username or password. 



Running as "root" will cause problems with file access from other clients/services.


So...run the new permissions utility after upgrading to 5, and don't use the "root" to move/copy files.


A problem with permissions was resolved when 5RC3 was release:

from the release notes.

- samba (SMB protocol): put 'root' in 'invalid users' list in /etc/samba/smb.conf



I don't use Midnight Commander..so someone can probably give you advice on how to handle that specifically.



Additional unRAID security model info:


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Once you revert the go file (see my sig) the system will run as a stock configuration. You can delete the add-on files at your leisure. The user directory contains the user shares that are specified in the unRAID GUI. The files under the user directory can also be found under a disk directory. These are two references to the same file, not duplicates.

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Because it was requested, here are some Pics, and thanks for asking.


Its an '82 Honda Goldwing  I have had it since 1998, and I have put over 100,000 miles on it myself and I bought it with 30,000.  I just recently rebuilt the top end, and has been out of service for 4 years.


Here is a picture of the motorcycle when the fuel tank was removed.  I needed to remove it and have the tank lined to prevent rust from forming in the future.  When removed it sounded like it was full of sand, but actually it was the rust coming loose.  It kind of shows what I went through just to remove the gas tank for maintenance.




And here is the finished Product.  These pictures were taken at work.:


20120618124809869.th.jpg 20120618124751506.th.jpg 20120618124733408.th.jpg



I still have to re-do the carbs.  This morning it ate 3/4 a tank of gas to only go 60 miles.  I did discover when I got to work that one of the plugs was fouled due to flooding (stuck float again).


Dirt is coming loose in the carb as I use the bike, (because I did not clean it correctly) and sometimes gets stuck between the seat and the float valve, causing the float to sick open.  I carry a plastic hammer just for this purpose, so I knocked on the carb with the suck float to loosen it and get it to close, then cleaned up the plug.  Hopefully I won't go broke putting gas in this while going home.


Good luck with that upgrade.  I am certain it will go just fine.


BTW Disk1 and Disk2 are the default shares created when you built the server.  These shares are direct access to each individual physical hard drive.  Between the two shares, this contains all the files you have placed in your user share.  Your user share (the one you created) as well as DISK1 and DISK2 are one in the same.  So don't delete files on Disk1 or Disk2 because you think they are duplicates.  They are not.


I believe you should also have a "Flash" share.  This is the share that is also your USB drive.  you could make copies from this share with out shutting down your server, but I would recommend a shutdown then a complete copy of the usb drive as a backup, then begin your upgrade.


-- Sideband Samurai

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1.  When I'm in Midnight Commander, under /mnt/, I see "disk1", "disk2", etc.  I also have a "user" folder.  Am I supposed to?  What should be in it?


If you have any 'user' shares defined then yes, you should have a 'user' folder (and, probably, a 'user0' folder).  Deleting these would not be a good idea - that would delete the associated files from the 'diskn' shares.

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Thanks Everyone...  I only see the "user" folder within Midnight Commander, under /mnt/user along with /mnt/disk1, /mnt/disk2, /mnt/disk3, etc.


Still don't know what to do with it....  I really think I accidentally created it when I was moving files around with Midnight Commander, but I guess it isn't hurting anything to leave it.  :-)


So....  As soon as I get a few more files backed up, I'm going to jump into this upgrade.... wish me luck.  :-)


And what a cool GoldWing...  Wish I was more talented in motorcycle repairs - hence the reason I sold my CBR600 a few years ago.




Russell Schutte

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Hi Guys,


I think I followed all of your directions/the upgrade instructions...  I'm up and running on 5.0-rc5.  I clicked on the "New Permissions" tool under the Upgrade Settings menu.  It's been running for about six hours - and I think it finished, but it doesn't actually say so.  The first few drives seemed to take about 20-30 minutes.  This last one has had an hour and 45 minutes running - so I presume there just isn't a "Finished" displayed at the end.


Everything looks good in the GUI, but on my Windows box, I can't get to most of my shares.  I can get to \\tower\disk1 - but \\tower\disk2 through \\tower\disk11 don't come up.  I also can't seem to access my user shares like \\tower\movies and \\tower\tv


Any ideas?




Russell Schutte

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I wish I could...  When I browse \\tower I can see all of my shares, but when I double click "flash" (for example), I get 


\\tower\flash refers to a location that is unavailable.  It could be on a hard disk on this computer, or on a network.  Check to make sure that the disk is properly inserted, or that you are connected to the Internet or your network, and then try again.  If it still cannot be located, the information might have moved to a different location.


I can get into Midnight Commander via Putty Telnet, but don't know how to find "flash" or my log file there.




Russell Schutte

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I think I found it - under "boot" in Midnight Commander....  Log attached.


Also, Midnight Commander looks "strange" with weird a's surrounding everything instead of asterisks.  Any ideas on this?  Should I be concerned?  (Image attached).


I saw something in the forums about "cached credentials" and the new security model.  I made a new user called "public" with no password.  Not sure what else I need to do. 


I noticed the disks are now on the Main Page and clicking them allows you to set them for sharing - and I think they all are - I don't know what the "spinup group" is, but they all have exactly the same settings otherwise (export:yes, security:public) - and disk1 is the only one I can access.







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IIRC, Midnight Commander requires a different font set...let me do a search.





In your Putty-configuration, go to Window->Translation and set Remote Character Set to something like UTF-8


By the way, if you change the active session, you may have to restart MC for changes to show up.


Edit2: btw, that syslog is from Jan 31 :o

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Hi MBryanR,


Thanks for the help - you got my Midnight Commander all beautiful again!  :-)


I guess I have no idea where my syslog is...  That's the only one I can find.  (I can't figure out how to ask my Unraid what time it is - not in the GUI, I guess... about an hour ago I noticed it had the wrong timezone and reset it - so maybe it was WAY wrong on the date/time before that?)


Is there any way to tell if it's from my current version (5.0 RC-4)?  I think that's my current log.


Wondering if I should reboot anything/everything...  But no confirmation that the "New Permissions" is finished - but it's been on that last drive for at least two hours now (and I think the "disk9" blinking on the main page means it's not in use and is "sleeping"), so I presume it's done.




Russell Schutte

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Check the kernel version used or search for "unraid" in the log . you will find the version. If I remember it was an old one. My quick glance I saw HPA on at least one disk.

Edit: check the wiki on how to get a syslog from the command line.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using Tapatalk 2


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That's a good thing - seems that log was the last time I had issues with UnRaid!  :-)


So, now that I've upgraded, hopefully I can get some help before wife gets home from dinner.  Our media player is really gonna suck since none of my computers can access anything but "disk1".


(see new log on post above).


In the meantime, trying to reboot everything.





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I'm searching. I use public shares, primarily for this reason.  It has to be a permissions issue.




I'll look around for more.


Edit1: Reboot of everything including router.



Edit2: Running permissions utility on drives again..



Edit3: Reboot (I hope that works!)



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Thanks for all your hard work - I rebooted everything...  even my microwave and refrigerator.


It looks like everything's working now as far as browsing my drives (\\tower\disk1, \\tower\disk5, etc.)...  but now the web GUI doesn't show up.  (Got the syslog from a Telnet session.)  :-)


I haven't rerun the permissions utility again...  Should I?  How do I get the basic GUI back?  And then should I do UnMenu or the CrashPlan plugin next?  Thanks for the continued help.


Thanks again,




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