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simplyfeatures - stat reset


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Is it possible to a) reset the timeline on the stat/unRAID stats page, and b) is it possible to change the length of the page?


I'm tracking my network activity while I repopulate my server and it seems that there's been a small miscalc of some activity (I have a peak of almost 160MB transfer).  With this peak in there it makes the current activity almost invisible on the graph.  As well, I really like to see only the last hour or so of activity rather then the last week or so. 


Thanks in advance.


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Highlight <click and drag> the area of the graph you want to zoom. A reset button appears after zooming.


GET!  OUTTA!  TOWN!  That's freak'n great!




OK, but I have a follow up question.  How does SF measure network traffic?  I'm moving files using teracopy and it's telling me that I have about 51MB being written to the server but SF is indicating ZERO traffic.  I'm using a cache drive.  Does SF only measure activity to the array?


Thanks again.

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