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Xigmatek Universal 3 in 3 SATA HDD Hot-Swap


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I currently have a Lian-Li PC-A17B with three of the older Norco SS-500 units in it for a total of 15x1TB drives (~13TB usable space) in my unraid server . Currently looking at upgrading my drives to 3TB while simultaneously dropping down to around 8-10 drives.


Ideally i'd like to move to a mATX/mITX case with 6x5.25 drives bays top to bottom so i could still use two of the SS-500's for 10 drives total but doesnt look like anything like this exists.  That being said and not wanting to lose hotswap ability I'm now looking for some sort of smaller/less dense hotswap cages to put into my current lian li instead.. 


These (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817996041) Xigmatek units have peaked my interest a bit. Three of these would give me 9 drives total for ~22.5TB of usable space. Found a cheap source on them locally and the sale of one of my SS-500's would cover the cost of three of the Xiggy's. I'd just use a e-Sata cradle to give me a 10th "bay" for pre-clearing new drives etc later on.


I'm pretty sure the Xigmatek unit is the same as the one included in their full tower cases but not 100% sure on that atm.


Has anyone used one of these Xigmatek 3-in-3 cages? Looking for some opinions on quality and cooling. Reviews/opinions on the net seem to be pretty few and far between. Seems they use a 120mm fan on the rear instead of the noisy-ish 9-mm fans on the Norco's which gives me more options for quiet/better cooling of the drives.

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