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  1. That is already there... do i need to change it to my actual ip adress?
  2. The docker's context menu doesn't show 'web ui' anymore, just 'console'. Why is that?
  3. The docker menu doesn't show 'web ui' option anymore, only 'console', see picture. You can access the web ui by browsing to the ip:port you configured, but the option is gone?
  4. Oh, i did not know you could install plugins from CA as well... i assumed CA was all about dockers. I was doing it the hard way from the plugins menu and then try to find a working git repo... which is a pain btw. So i finally by accident found the nerd 'tools' and installed that.
  5. The python docker is of no use; i want to run python scripts on unraid itself, not in a docker. I've installed nerd TOOLS (i guess that is the proper nerd plugin for 6.12? because i had to uninstall nerd PACK since it was obsolete). It looks like python is working. Allthough for some reason i can only get python 2 to work, not python 3. Any ideas on why heimdall is complaining? *edit* removed the port 443 from the container and now heimdall is running again.
  6. Installing and rebooting was fast and smooth (coming from 6.9). Only issue so far; Heimdall won't start, it throws an execution error/server error. Nothing in the heimdall logs. Also, the update wizard advised me to uninstall the nerd pack and the devpack since they were obsolete, but now i don't have python anymore? The https://github.com/UnRAID/NerdPack/raw/master/plugins/NerdPack.plg repository is gone? How do i get python back? I need that for some custom scripts.
  7. I found that a lot of my dockers for some reason have extra params defined: --log-driver none --no-healthcheck If i remove that, the dockser will log again. Sounds about right... if there is no logdriver, you can not log... This is not something i added myself. Where and how is this added? Was this done by an unraid update or some compatibility issue?
  8. Found a way to change the root password. The whole parameter thing mentioned above doesnt work for me. Open a putty or ssh connection to unraid, go to the app data folder for mariadb. Edit the custom.conf file, add the entry 'skip-grant-tables' to the [mysqld] block. Save the file & restart the container. Open a console in unraid, enter: mysql enter: use mysql; then: UPDATE user SET `authentication_string` = PASSWORD('myNewPassword') WHERE `User` = 'root'; enter: exit close the console remove the line 'skip-grant-tables' from the custom.conf file, save it. and restart the container Open a new console, now you can enter mysql using: mysql -u root -p enter your password... voila.
  9. Same here. Lost my pwd and no luck trying the steps provided here. If i add --skip-grant-tables to the parameters, the container is restarted but mariadb itself won't start. Red square. If i DO start it and start the console, the console is immediatly disconnected. I can not do anything.
  10. @Aran a bit late, but thanks anyway, this solved my problem
  11. Nothing? Is there a way i can update node.js myself? In a persistent way?
  12. I'm trying to install the "node-red-contrib-virtual-smart-home" palette so i can use Alexa commands in Node-RED, but that package expects node.js version > 18.2.0 to be installed (current in the docker is 16.20.2) Can that be updated in the Node-RED docker?
  13. Hi, a few dockers i'm running are showing this error in the log. I noticed that after a reboot this error appeared, other dockers are showing it as well, e.g. nginxproxy, sabnzbd, wordpress, heimdall, mariadb to name a few. How do i fix this?
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