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Change drive type to SCSI in UNRAID?

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Hello team,


I just built my first UnRaid Server.  I'm using 5.0 rc5.  I currently have everything running inside ESXI 5.0 and I'm using RDM to pass my drives (4 of them) before I move to a raid card I can use PCI-passthrough with.


My question is I'm getting these errors on the VM side which I had traced back to SMART commands which aren't supported for RDMs.  Also, running preclear I was getting errors.  I found if use the -D command to tell the script to not treat them as SATA drives the temperature works.  I know that VM ESXI is simulating SCSI interfaces for the drives.


Is there a setting / configuration to tell Unraid to use SCSI commands for disk temperatures?


Any help is appreciated.




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I updated my previous message, but I found a way to read temperatures and other smartctl commands was to use the -D command with preclear.  If I ran preclear with the -D (which does something with -d ata) the temperature works during preclear.


Is there a setting / configuration in unraid to have it use SCSI commands for smartctl?  i assume worse case would be to create a script that calls smartctl with the -d ata command and "hide" startctl.  Just didn't want to be jumping to that unless it's needed.




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