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SG_IO error What does it mean

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What does the screen in the attachment mean? Something wrong, I guess.


It's from the following server:


Unraid 5.0 RC5 Pro

2 data-disks in a CSE-M35T cage, connected by a 8087 foward breakout cable to a flashed to IT M1015. This sits on a X9SCM board. There is also a ARC1200 adapter with 2 2TB WDs, which are setup as a 3 TB RAID0 volume for parity and a 500 GB RAID1 volume for cache.



It's a iKVM screen shot. This doesn't show up in a telnet session. This happen when the array is started. Unmenu isn't installed. Just checked the syslog in utils but I don't see thes messages there.


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