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Mini-ITX MB that supports 3TB drives on unRAID?


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I have been using a Biostar TH61-ITX MB with unRAID for several months now without problems.  Everything was great as long as I was using 2TB drives or smaller.  The MB has a UEFI BIOS, but, they officially support 3TB drives under Windows 7 only (now they tell me) and have no idea if 3TB drives will work on a Linux OS.  They told me to check Linux forums.  I have had nothing but problems trying to upgrade to a 3TB parity drive with this MB.  See this thread for the gory details http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=22265.0


Does anyone know of a good mini-ITX board supporting Intel socket 1155 CPUs that has at least four SATA ports and is confirmed to work with 3TB drives in unRAID?

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