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Help in setting up shares

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I am in the  throws of sconfiguring my UnRAID.

This is mostly a media server.  But also a backup for my personal files.

I am an XBMC user. Library updates in the past have taken a long time.  I also use sickbeard/SAB;

I envisage that by carefully categorising my movies and shows,  I can reduce the load when a library update occurs. So this is what I thought I would do in terms of share structure:




Shows-A  =  Live, Current season, shows.

Shows-B  =  End of Season, Actively being watched shows  +  Any other shows that are actively watched, but are no longer running  (e.g The Office U.K)

Shows-C  =  No longer running,  Not watched shows (library use only).


Therefore in XBMC, I would exclude Shows-B and C from library updates.

I also reckon, that if I were to ensure that Shows-A & Shows-B were on the same disk, then this would save the other disk from spinning up.


I have young Kids (4 & 7),  so I like to keep their shows separate from mine,  in terms of directories.


So this is the share structure I am looking to use:


Level 1  Media

Level 2  Shows  (as opposed to movies)

Level 3 Shows-A, Shows-B, Shows-C

Level 4 Adult, Kids



1.  Does this make any sense.

2.  Share settings:

The field "Split Level"  - do I actually put in "Level 1"

The field "Include disk" - do I put in "sda" (given that sda is the identifier of the disk). Or should it be "disk 1"

3.  Is there anything I am missing here?



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