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USB won't boot - but used to.

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Hi Everyone,


I have a USB key that I booted yesterday - and now I've loaded it with the latest Unraid (5.0-rc8a) and run the "make_bootable" batch file as described in the release notes (http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php?title=UnRAID_Server_Version_5.0-beta_Release_Notes).


Oddly, now it won't boot.


I've tried reformatting it and repeating the process.  Even tried reformatting with the HP USB Format utility and repeating the process.


Any ideas?





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i am in the exact same situation as you are.


i have a Sandisk 32GB that was working for a year. turned off the server, then went to turn it back on and i get nothing. had to replace the power supply. now that i get the server to boot back up i get all the way to the POST screen then all i get is a blinking cursor.


i loaded everything onto a old 256mb flash drive and it works fine (except the pro key doesn't recognize the different flash so it thinks it is just a basic licenses)


i have tried another Sandisk 32GB with the same results as the other Sandisk.


i would also like to know if i am doing something wrong. i have formated the USB on both my mac (10.7) and on a windows 7 computer.




i set the flash drive to do a full format (unchecked the quick format button) and let it run over night. came in this morning and transferred my backup onto the new drive. hit the make_bootable file and it still didn't work.


i went into my bios and had to unselect everything except boot from USB hard drive and USB key drive.


you might want to recheck your bios settings and only allow certain things to but. i disabled (or excluded on my board) everything except USB items.


hope this helps

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