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Anyone get RSYNC over SSH working? How about making a plugin? :-)

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Hi Guys,


I'm so frustrated with CrashPlan (paid for several years of service!) that I've got to find another way to do this.  I have two UnRaid boxes (both about 16TB) and getting one to backup to the other is a constant headache...  Something always crashes on one of them.  Earlier today, CrashPlan quit on my "destination" box - I don't know why - and sure enough, starting the CrashPlanEngine fixed it...  then three hours later and my "source" box has SMB crash (don't know why) - and it seems to always be this kind of thing.


Has anyone gotten RSYNC to work over SSH?  I eventually want my "destination" Unraid to be Offsite.


Please make a plugin so linux know-nothings like me can use it!  :-)    I seem to recall a couple people on the boards talking about doing exactly this.


Any ideas?





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