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Cannot access Tower via network after restart

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I was having some trouble getting one of my plugins to start so I restarted my tower today for the first time in a month or so.


I tried going to the ip and web address http://gtower and it would not respond.


So I then plugged a monitor in and rebooted and did not see anything alarming, it still went to the login and started up sickbeard/sabnzbd/couchpotato. I removed the flash drive, renamed extra to extraOLD, and config/plugins to config/pluginsOLD, and made sure the go file only had the 3 defailt lines in it. Still booted just fine, but I cannot access it.


I'm attaching the syslog in hopes someone can help me out? Thank you


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You want to use http://gtower/Main instead, with the UnRAID v5 series.


I noticed that you have IDE emulation turned on, for some of your SATA drives, in particular the Parity drive.  When you next boot, go into the BIOS settings and look for the SATA mode, and change it to a native SATA mode, preferably AHCI, anything but IDE emulation mode.

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