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Upgraded from 5.0-rc5 to 5.0-rc11 but not sure if its right

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Hi there.


I decided to upgrade to rc11 today, so i took a disk image of my flash drive, copied over the updated files and removed super.dat, as per the instructions. I then restarted, and re-assigned my drives. I'm too scared to start the array though as it states it's in a state of Initial Configuration. Is this normal? Attached are pics of my rc5 config and rc11.


Thanks for reading.



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You didn't needed to remove super.dat to upgrade from rc5 to rc11 (maybe you looked at instructions to upgrade from beta5 and not from rc5?)... Anyway I think you should be able to start the array with "Parity is already valid" option enabled and then manually run a parity check and see if all ok (0 errors).

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