Correct permissions and fstab mounting

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Unraid version: 5.0-rc12a (Pro)


So I started using unraid about a month ago. It's been great, but I don't think I have a complete understanding of linux and samba permissions.

From what I do know, linux permissions trump samba unless samba permission are more restrictive. What I believe I am not getting is how permissions are translated between the server and client.


My setup:

-Unraid with users james, aaron, downloader, htpc, pmc, etc each with various read/write permissions (as set in the UI) to shares 'music', 'tv_shows', 'movies'


-I have an ubuntu server (v12.04) vm running sabnzbd, sickbeard, couchpotato, headphones, and deluge. These services run locally as 'download_user'.

The folder which files are downloaded to has ownership of 'download_user:download_user' and permissions '777'

In my /etc/fstab I have lines in this format for those 3 shares above:

//tower/movies /media/movies cifs credentials=/home/download_user/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0


-I have another ubuntu server vm running subsonic as root (which was needed to stream music using ssl). It's fstab has the exact same format for the 'music' mount. as above.  If I try to edit id3 tags through Subsonic, there are write permissions issues.



Today I took a look at actual permissions via shell on the unraid vm.

ALL files and folders I took a look at were owned by group 'users'.  The main owner however was different depending on the particular file. I saw many files owned by 'nobody', 'james', and 'downloader'.



My question is: What linux mount permissions/options and download directory permissions need to be set to allow non-root-running services to rename, set permissions, etc? Also, should files moved to the unraid array all be owned by nobody:users so as to not cause issues with the samba permissions?


I've taken a look at the man pages for mount as well as done some research around this topic, but I am still a bit confused.






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