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[SOLVED] 5.0rc13+/final - hang on boot up - ACPI

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On booting up UnRaid the boot up sequence hangs at "ACPI: processor limited to max C-state 1" and will not continue unless the Power button is pressed. On pressing the Power button the remainder of the boot up sequence continues. This did not occur in 5.0rc12 and earlier.


While this does not prevent me using UnRaid, it would cause issues if I want to reboot remotely/automatically as user intervention is required to complete the boot up sequence.


Photo below showing what is displayed on the console screen at point of hang.




While I cannot be certain, I believe this is related to one of the changes to UnRaid post rc12 as I have only come across it since then. I've not had time to do extensive testing however the issue is repeatable.


I have attached my syslog - while it does mention ACPI issues this is the same motherboard/bios version I've been using for 18 months or more.


Any thoughts?




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I can confirm that setting C1E in the AMD Bios to DISABLED resolves this issue.


For 5.0RC12 and before, setting C1E to AUTO worked fine for my set up (AFAIK). The new linux kernel introduced after 5.0RC12 build seems to have resulted in C1E needing to be specifically set to DISABLED.






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