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Is my SAS failing(AOC-SASLP-MV8 )??


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Hello forum...  Need Help!


After over a year of stellar performance I believe that I may have a problem with either my Supermicro AOC-SASLP-MV8 8-Port SAS card or it's BO cable. 


1st issue)  I have an SSD disk mounted outside my array that I use for AddOn directories(SAB, SB, PMS).  Last week I noticed the drive was dropping out of unRAID when a large amount of read/write activity was taking place on the drive, mostly when browsing Plex from a peripheral device(iPAD, HTPC).  Since it's mounted outside of the array, all it took was for me to restart my box so unRAID could recognized the drive again.  After reviewing the logs I noticed SAS errors right before the drive would drop off.  I did'nt think too much about my SAS card because I was still able to access the drive/share through SMB and "df -h" showed the drive was still mounted and above all, no other drives are falling out of unRAID..that is until this morning!


2nd Issue)  So..this morning while SAB was writing files to array drive8, which is also on the SAS card and the same BO cable, the drive suddenly RedBalled and is now marked as "Disabled".  At this point I'm very afraid to restart my array for fear that another drive Red-Balled disk that is attached to this card.


So..  Im sure that both my disks are healthy per S.M.A.R.T. tests..  And the logs show SAS errors(at least the errors I can make out).  As of now..  I don't really know how to troubleshoot my SAS to find out if it's the actual card or the BO cable, so I ordered a new card and BO cable.  I'm hoping someone could point me in the right direction to troubleshoot my current SAS and isolate this problem so I can save some money and send the ordered card back if my current one is good and its just a bad BO cable.  Also, I need to know the proper way to fix a Red-Balled healthy disk.  I'm thinking I will have to create a new configuration and Rebuild parity, but I'm not 100% sure, so any help with this would be great as well.


Attached to this post are two logs.  The first log shows the SAS errors and SSD drive drop off and the second shows when Disk8 went RedBall


...thanks in advance for any assistance given!

[email protected]

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What model PSU?


My PSU is CORSAIR CX series CX600 600W it was one recommended in the unRAID WiKi. 


Okay..  So unfortunately I have already started the rebuild on the same disk, currently @ 75% with no issues.  BUT, tonight I will get a spare to swap out the current disk8, rebuild again and then pre-clear the current.  I sure hope the integrity of my data has not been compromised because I jumped the gun and rebuilt the current disk8????


I'm curious about all the errors listed in my log and how it may have effected my Parity and disk rebuild?? 


Thank you so much for responding!


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