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[Solved] Migrate date from Greyhole

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Hi there,


Apologies of this topic has already been mentioned, please point me in the right direction if it has.


I've been using OpenMediaVault for several years with Greyhole. It's worked well but considering Greyhole is a Samba solution I'm constantly having trouble accessing my server remotely (locally mounting SMB shares is getting boring).


My question to you is how should I go about migrating my data from my Greyhole drives to Unraid? I am going to buy a new 3TB drive so storage space isn't a problem.


I have read several articles about transferring data over GBe and I guess this will be fine however I will have to mount my drives via USB on a virtual Linux from my Mac, obviously it's not the most ideal solution.


Would it be possible to set up Unraid with the fresh hard drive, mount my old drives one at a time and transfer the data locally, wipe the drive and then add it to Unraid and repeat for each drive?





Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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You can certainly do it over your LAN. No problem.


Another way is to use the optional plugin 'SNAP' (search the forums).

SNAP allows drives to be mounted locally via the USB ports on the unRAID box itself.

SNAP drives are *not* part of the array and are not protected, but they can be accessed.

Then you can use 'Midnight Commander' (type 'MC' in the unRAID console, or telnet in via TERMINAL and type MC).

MC allows you to move files around without using the network.

You'd just copy them from the USB to the array data drives, with all transfers being internal to the unRAID box.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Everything went smoothly with Midnight Commander but SNAP not so, as my drives were ext4 I couldn't mount them. A simple mount command in terminal sorted that one out.


Perhaps it's better for me to start a new thread for this one but seeing as it's all down to Greyhole (why did I even go down that route?) I though I might as well ask here...


Basically I have all the usual folders/shares, Movies and TVShows etc. which I have enabled user shares for, it seemed like the easiest solution seeing as I had already transferred all the data. I've been reading up on split levels (I have allocation set to high water) but as Greyhole dumps data on any disk, all of the Movie and TVShow subfolders' contents are on different disks. Are there going to be any issues going forward? Or should I just stick with it and update the split levels so that any new data is kept together on the same disks (I'm assuming split levels aren't retrospective). Or are split levels just over rated, the only reason I can think of is that I might be reading/writing to more than one disk at once.


Cheers guys!

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Are there going to be any issues going forward? Or should I just stick with it and update the split levels so that any new data is kept together on the same disks (I'm assuming split levels aren't retrospective). Or are split levels just over rated, the only reason I can think of is that I might be reading/writing to more than one disk at once.

:D Your mileage may vary, but:

I personally find split levels overrated. I've only run across one good reason for split levels, and that's *if* you have a movie saved in multiple parts (such as what you see in a DVD's VIDEO_TS folder). If your movie is split across drives,then you'll have to wait in the middle of the movie, for the next drive to spin up.  A 'bad' reason for split levels, is if you are running one of those plugins that writes lots of files (torrents, for example)...then you want to make sure you limit the writing to a single hard drive.

Since I save movies as a single file, and use a cache drive for all those small continual write operations, I've not found a compelling use for split levels...but that's just me.

And 'Yes', a change in split levels at this point is only prospective for you.  If that's an issue, MC is your friend!

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