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[Question] Adding an additional cache disk


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this might be a stupid question, but I couldn't find it in my search so I just wanted to confirm: can you only have one cache disk at a time?


when I initially setup my unraid box, I had a spare 150gb (SSD), so I used it for my cache disk.  Now I find myself occasionally running out of space on it (and then I have to manually execute the mover) and would like to upgrade.  I have a 1TB drive that I could replace it with, but I'm concerned about mucking up my Plex package (I have all of my metadata stored on the cache disk). 


If I can't add two cache disks, is it as simple as just MCing the data from the old cache disk to the new disk, stopping the array, and adding the new disk as a cache disk?


Thanks for the assistance!

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