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Talk me into (or out of) virtualization


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I need to run the following on my home network:




Sab/SB (maybe CP)


IP Cam server (and probably a small webserver for it)


I currently have separate machines for most of these.  I am now looking at virtualization.  I had used esxi a few months ago for some basic stuff, but have limited experience with it.  My plan would be a single 12 or 16 core Opteron with a second socket, and 16-32GB RAM.  I'd like to run esxi again just because I have some experience and it was easy, fast, and stable.


I will keep my unraid servers separate.


I love the idea of running one machine for everything, possibly even including virtual desktops.  But this means a single point of failure for everything.  It also means if I ever have to do any host/hardware maintenance, pfsense and Untangle, and thus the internet, goes down for that period of time.


On the other hand I generate less heat, draw less power, and take up less room than having a half dozen boxes sitting in a room somewhere.


Trying to figure out if virtualization is for me or not.  One of my biggest fears is backups (I have read that snapshots are not backups and not to rely on them).  I suppose I will have to get smart on True Image or some equivalent. 


If I have separate machines, I can take one out of service without affecting the rest.  But that's a lot of hardware to buy/maintain/upgrade etc.


Torn.  Any advice?

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