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UnRaid & Mozy


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As we all know unraid by itself is not a proper backup solution.


I would like to eliminate the local redundancy ...


I don't pretend to be the 'final authority' on backup strategies, and I'm not completely sure that I understand what you are trying to do, but a couple of your phrases pressed one of my buttons concerned me, so I thought I would climb on soapbox comment.  Please forgive me if I have misunderstood.


Just to clarify a point, it is true that no one backup location, such as unRAID or any other NAS or RAID or non-RAID local or remote storage location is 'a proper backup solution' all by itself, but unRAID *is* an excellent backup location for one backup copy, with its parity protection, single disk recovery.  As such, it is an excellent *part* of a total backup solution.


I'm not sure what you meant by "eliminate the local redundancy", but I was afraid you would like to remove your originals from your desktop, and only keep them on your unRAID server, with Mozy handling all of the backup duties.  If so, please consider the following thoughts.  (I apologize for them being mostly my own thoughts.)

Then also check out these related threads (and there are others):


The most important part is this:

Good data management practices require redundancy of copy and diversity of storage location of said copies. If a file has any value at all, it must be backed up. There must be 2 full and restorable copies at all times, and the restoration process must be tested and proven. If the data is important, then there should be at least 3 copies, stored in diverse locations.


I personally feel that a good backup plan includes backing up or syncing originals to your unRAID server, PLUS to your remote site.  The originals may be on a desktop and backed up to unRAID, or they may be on your unRAID server and synced to a desktop.  Remote backup could be something like Mozy or JungleDisk, or it could be a reciprocal agreement with a neighbor/friend/relative to store directly (online or email connection) or indirectly (DVD by mail or by hand, etc).  If its important to you, then it should be backed up both locally and remotely.    [ climbs off soapbox - looks around - discovers crowd left long ago ... walks off mumbling, must control urge to preach ...]


I created a topic for Backups in the UnRAID Topical Index.  Would love to add more diverse thoughts on backup to it.

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  • 6 months later...

Has anyone found another solution? This trick doesn't seem to work anymore.


I was referring to a NTFS junction point http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS_junction_point

However a limitiation of one is that it can not redirect to a network drive


I found : http://www.runpcrun.com/enable_network_share_support_in_MozyHome

Which allows mozy to backup a network drive, so i believe that is the only solution for those looking to integrate Mozy and UnRaid.

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