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Using old (unraid) data drives in current system

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I know I've read posts about this in the past, but my google-foo is weak today, so here goes.


Have a few disks here that used to be in my unraid server, still have data on them (that data has since been backed up elsewhere) and I'd like to use the old disks as new disks in the server.


Do I need to format them first?  If I just pop them in, will unraid throw a fit since they were previously assigned?

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It sounds like you want to add the drives and do not care about any data on the old drives? If so, I would run a single preclear on your old drives to that they are freshly formatted and ready to be added with the preclear signature block. You also get to double check and make sure the drives are still good. Then you would just add them like any other drive.

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It sounds like you want to add the drives and do not care about any data on the old drives? If so, I would run a single preclear on your old drives to that they are freshly formatted and ready to be added with the preclear signature block. You also get to double check and make sure the drives are still good. Then you would just add them like any other drive.



I figured as much but wanted to check.  Thanks.  I'll get started now since it will take a few days to preclear all of them -- thanks again.


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