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Unable to access WebGUI or shares on beta 6 and 7


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So I just upgraded to beta 7 today.  I upgraded to beta 6 on 8/18, and had been running beta 4 for a couple of months without any issues.  I just upgraded my motherboard and CPU last weekend, as the original CPU I purchased for my unRAID server was an AMD Sempron, which has 1 core and I can't do much virtualization with it.  After I upgraded my hardware, I was able to boot into Xen on beta 4 without any issues. 


At any rate, I updated the bzimage, bzroot, xen, and readme.txt files on my flash and booted my system.  I let it boot into Xen, and it appeared to come up without issues.  I attempted to get into the WebGUI and I was getting an error that the page could not be displayed.  I was able to ping and SSH into the server, but I could not get to my shares either.  I rebooted the server and this time choose just unRAID from the boot menu, and when it came back up, I was able to get into my shares and the WebGUI.  I thought maybe it was just an issue with the first boot, so I rebooted it again (from the WebGUI), and let it boot into Xen and it had the same issue as before.  So, it appears I cannot boot into Xen and be able to access my WebGUI or shares.


unRAID OS Version: unRAIDServer-6.0-beta7-x86_64 and unRAIDServer-6.0-beta6-x86_64


Description: Unable to get to WebGUI or shares if I boot into Xen.  Booting into unRAID without Xen works fine.


How to reproduce: See description


Other information: I have attached my syslog.


Please let me know if you need any more information or need me to test anything else.


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When I rebooted earlier, I thought about booting into Xen without plugins, but I had a birthday party to get to, so I didn't get a chance to.  I attempted doing that, and had the same issue.  I went ahead and shut down my server, and connected my flash to my PC.  I made a backup of everything on the flash, and then deleted everything out of config\plugins except the webGui folder.  Plugged the flash back into my server and booted it up, and all is good now.


Thanks for the nudge in the right direction! 

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