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SOLVED - Folders appear as files [Don't open folder with Apostrophe in its name]


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Can anyone advise why I'm seeing folders as files in one unRAID subdirectory. The share works fine. I can drill down and up within unRAID no problem. I can map the share and the folders appear as normal from in windows. I can move/copy/rename, ie IE everything looks normal. BUT, when I drill down in unRAID to a specific sub directory it shows the folder as a file of unknown type. (note that the same folder looks and behaves perfectly normally from Windows). If I create a new folder in another folder it doesn't exhibit this problem. If I create a new folder in this folder it creates as a file not as a folder. Anyone know what's going on here ... and more importantly, how to stop it.


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By drill down I mean expand the folders from disk# >share-name >sub-directory >sub-directory until I reach the relevant directory.

It then shows a number of normal directories and a few which are directories as far as windows seeing them via SMB is concerned, but unRAID is seeing them as http links, apparently (See top 3 lines in the attached screenshot). When you click them it opens a browser and tries to search the web for them, which fails.


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I suspect that there is a file & folder with the same name but on different disks ... One being a folder and the other being a file.


Try doing something like


  ls -ld /mnt/disk*/......


Where you replace ....... With the path to your problem file/folder.    You will probably find it returns 2 entries; one being a file and one being a directory.

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Thanks Freddie - you were right, removing the apostrophe fixes this, but the behaviour is still a little strange because if you look at the attached, I removed the apostrophe from the name of 2 folders and unRAID now sees them correctly again. But notice that there are already 3 other folders with apostrophe's which are completely unaffected. Presumably then the apostrophe only 'breaks' the navigation when you click a folder with an apostrophe in it, otherwise it is displayed correctly and you never know there's a problem either way if you're browsing from Windozze anyway.


Anyone know if this is fixed in 6 ???


Pending feedback on this point I will mark this as solved

Thanks folks


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