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Plex - lost a lot of posters after restore


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Running 5.0.5+

PhAzE Plugins

Something went wrong with my pms, so had to install it again.

I have a script running that do a backup of my library, so I have that on a disk.

After moving it all back, a lot of the posters do not show. I am quite sure that the backup is fresh, because all of the info regarding seen and how far into a movie I am is there.

I tried to refresh the library many times, but still allmost all posters are blank..

Any idea?

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  • 1 month later...

I have the same problem.  I have read that deleting all packages in .../Plex/Application Support/Plug-ins fixes the problem but it did not in my case.  I had this happen once before a long time ago with an upgrade, don't remember how I got it fixed.  Seems like I ended up doing a fresh install of plex maybe?  Anyway, if anyone has a fix for this I would welcome the help.

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I recently moved my Plex install from a Linux VM on ESXi to Linux VM in 6.0 I used the following procedure, which should work with Plex plugins or Docker as well, with slight modification. All my posters and watch status came over perfectly. It's very important to turn off automatic Trash Empty in preferences.

[*]Disable Automatically Empty Trash (Settings/Library) in current Plex Media Server install

[*]Copy library (/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support) to accessible location

[*]Install and start new instance of Plex Media Server

[*]Access via web interface, accept terms

[*]Stop Media server (sudo service plexmediaserver stop)

[*]Delete all files and directories in /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support except Plug-Ins directory

[*]Copy full library (except Plug-Ins directory) to /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support

[*]Check owner of newly copied files (probably root). Change owner to the same as Plug-Ins directory (probably plex:plex) using command: sudo chown -R plex:plex "/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support"

[*]If not already done, set up mounts for media shares

[*]Start Media server (sudo service plexmediaserver start)

[*]Access web interface, log in, library should be visible

[*]Edit each library section as required to update media folder location, remove dead locations

[*]After all sections have completed update with new, valid locations do the following: Empty Garbage, Optimize Database, Clean Bundles. Garbage collection should eliminate invalid entries, restore all posters.

[*]Rescan database to update with any new media since library copied

[*]Enable Automatically Empty Trash (Settings/Library)

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