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Unraid drives in windows 7


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I bought a file server off some one who was running unraid over 4 x 3tb hgst drives.


I wanted to use them as jbod but after installing them into my windows 7 pc, they show up in the device manager asking for a driver?  Hgst don't have drivers on their site for their hdd's...so how do I get them to work in windows?



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Do the drive have data that you need? If the server was version 4 or 5 then a Reiser file system driver is needed. If the server is version six then the file system on the drives needs to be determined. If there is no needed data on the drives then format the drives.

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I don't know what version but the guy did say the drives are formatted using reiser fs. The weird thing was that I had to manually point device manager to windows\system32\disk.sys in order for the OS to accept the drives. THEN  after deleting and recreating thr volume I had to update drivers in device manager as "generic volume". Then finally I was able to format the drives....


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