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All disks show as unformatted


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I have ran into an issue.  For a short period of time, I used ubuntu and snapraid, and therefore all my disk were converted to ext4.  However, I recently decided to move back to unRaid, but I cannot get my disk to show up in the GUI as formatted.  All four disk in my array show a status of unformatted.  When I click on the Format option below the disk list (under array status), nothing happens.  Can I get some guidance please?  I was going to format them to xfs via the terminal, but in one of the tutorials, it warns against doing such outside of the gui with linux commands.



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Disjs showing as unfrmatted sounds like normal behaviour? 


If you tick the box to allow format and select the option to format then it should begin happening.    Are you sure it is not happening (it runs as a background process).  You should be able to see progress by clicking on the refresh button on the Main tab.

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Aw, I figured it out!  I stopped the array, clicked on each disk, change the disk to xfs for the filesystem, and then restarted the array.  Then I clicked on the format option, and BAM... formatting began.  As a note to others (if anyone else has similar problems), you must change the filesystem under drive options (accessible by click on the drive) and change the preferred filesystem.  Prior to changing the filesystem by clicking on each disk, it always showed as ext4 and would not format, however it is now formatting.


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