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unRAID Server Widget


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Hey all, I've been using unraid for a little over a year now and the one thing I find myself often doing is loading up the webpage to see how the server is doing.  While this is easy enough I was wondering if its possible to do this through a desktop widget on another machine without having to open a webpage.  I ideally want to have a monitor dedicated to just monitoring stats on the server along with some other work functions that I can look at every now and then.


Has anyone tried developing something like this before? 

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Well if you ever do develop something you know you have a guaranteed buyer.  I'll definitely help with testing or whatnot if needed as well.  Used to do development work back in the day but have since moved into the marketing tech world so all my coding skills are shot.    :P  Been wanting to build an app/learn android dev but since the kids came along free time has been hard to come by.

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