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Plex falling over


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My unRAID box is primarily used for serving media via Plex.  The service seems to work fine for a while (could be weeks, could be days) and then it appears the service has stopped as none of my media receivers can see Plex anymore.


I try restarting the service via unRAID web with no joy, when I reboot the unRAID box sometimes it comes back but the last 2 times Plex has vanished completely from the web interface, on inspecting the USB stick the files are corrupt with random chars etc.


My first thought is the USB stick is not supported and causing problems (its not on the approved list), but, I thought that once the server is booted it runs from RAM anyway so what is Plex (or something else) doing to be accessing the USB stick and possibly corrupting it?


I am looking to get an approved USB stick now but still concerned I will have the same problems.

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Hi there!


Did you ever find a solution to this issue?


I have a similar issue, I believe. I upgraded Plex to the newest version v0.


Now after a reboot, going to the UnRaid menu, I can see that the Plex server is running. However, when I go to tower:32400, I get the "We're sorry, but we can't reach this server" message. I cannot see my own server, only servers that are shared with me.


This is very frustrating.

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