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[Solved] tower:80 stops working after running "go" script


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So my friend gave me his server and it's been running fine. He came over and updated beta 6 from to 10 to 12. As well as sabnzb and a few other plugins.


The array and shares still work same as before. I like the new look on tower:80, and tower:8080 perform both the same. As soon as I telnet in and run the "go" script it kills the tower:80 page fully.


Attached are my two log sessions, the first is normal operation. Then I ran the "go" script and you can see the difference in just the bottom lines. Anyone have recommendations on how to begin trouble shooting this to correct the problem.


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As he said, running the 'go' script will crash the machine.  It's like a DOS or Windows autoexec.bat file, you don't run it, as the system runs it on startup.  The 'go' script has the emhttp initiating command, which can only be run once.


Your attachments are both the same file, and neither is a syslog, just a 20 line piece of one.  Please see the first 3 posts of this thread.


Can you explain what you wanted to do by running 'go'?  Perhaps there's another way.

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Sorry the attachments were originally too large so I had trimmed the wrong one.


I fixed them both in the zip now.

- The "works fine" is the full log.

- The "broken after go" is a copy along with the new lines after running the go script.


What I'm doing is I boot the PC. wait about 7-10 minutes to be able to log into "tower:80" on a browser. I then start the array (I don't have it auto starting). The shares then work and I can access files, as intended. But from what my friend instructed me the services haven't started.


Thus I'll log into Tower and use "cd ../boot/config" "go" to run the go script to start up sabnzb, sickbeard, and couch potato, and a few others. This was what I would do and all would be fine in B10, but in B12 it now crashes the tower:80 so I can no longer spin down and power down the server safely using the web gui.

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If you are able to get to tower:80, then your go script is working and being run at boot.  Since it seems some of your commands that you have in your go script are not running, it means something is either wrong with them or the flash drive might be corrupt.  There was a message saying it was unmounted improperly and to run chkdsk (fsck) on it.  Shutdown the array, remove the drive and run chkdisk from a computer.

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So go is autorun even if the array is not auto started? I have to ask my friend why I would have to manually start go to get the extra services to work as well then.


Is running it a second time the issue that is causing tower:80 to no longer load? And if so what has changed from 10 to 12 that is now causing this?

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emhttp is what starts much of the UnRAID higher level routines, such as the web management, and it is started near the top of the go script.  It is not designed currently to run correctly in more than one thread, so if you got that to perform in beta10, that would be very surprising.  There was almost certainly bad behavior behind the scenes.


You might make a copy of the go script, call it something else, and edit out everything but what you need to run, to initiate your plugins.  But it would be better to find out why it's not working correctly, and fix it, as was stated above.

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So to followup and mark this as solved. It looks like the issue was in my Go script.


"cd /boot/packages && find . -name '*.auto_install' -type f -print | sort | xargs -n1 sh -c" for whatever reason was at the bottom. I originally had it commented out.

With it commented out I can boot and it will auto start the array load my services and mount the shares no problem.



No hick-ups at anymore. Thanks for your help!

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