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Unraid 6 Websever fails to start


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I've had an Unraid V6 build running flawlessly for a few months now. Been really pleased with the way its been running. Today I've come to check on it and the web interface isn't working. I've tried rebooting the sever a few times but it's still not starting.


A quick google around and I've tried manually starting the webserver ( nohup /usr/local/sbin/emhttp & ) But that doesn't help.


I've copied and attached my syslog, any chance someone with more experience might be able to look in and tell me what's going on?


Many thanks




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You cannot restart emhttp - so no use in retrying.


Looking at the syslog you are loading a large number of plugins.  Have you tried starting in Safe mode in case one of the plugins is the issue.


Autostart of the array appears to be disabled.  Not sure why it is set that way?


Also you re still running beta 10a - is there a reason that you have not moved onto beta 12?


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Hi itimpi,


Thanks for taking the time out to read my syslog and offer advice. It turned out to be a problem with my laptop. By chance I tried logging in on my phone and it worked, so tracked it down to a browser issue.


You've pointed me towards a couple of things that I've managed to improve. I'm now on Beta12 and set autostart for the array.


Am I right in thinking that Dockers are considered to be better practice than plugins ?


Many thanks



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Thanks for taking the time out to read my syslog and offer advice. It turned out to be a problem with my laptop. By chance I tried logging in on my phone and it worked, so tracked it down to a browser issue.

I tend to have a couple of browsers installed on my Windows system (IE, Chrome, FireFox) and often find that one is working on a problem page while another is not.  The reasons are often obscure and difficult to track down (if one can be bothered).


You've pointed me towards a couple of things that I've managed to improve. I'm now on Beta12 and set autostart for the array.

beta12 has the new GUI and also some under-the-cover changes to help support it.  Quite a lot of new functionality around the GUI is also there (and likely to improve further in the next GUI).


Am I right in thinking that Dockers are considered to be better practice than plugins ?



Docker can be considered light-weight virtualisation solution that allows the additional functionality to be implemented in such a way that each container is isolated it in its own contained environment and the docker going wrong should not destabalise the core OS or other Docker containers.  The unRAID Docker GUI tab also makes installing them very much a point-and-click operation (although we desperately need an updated guide in getting started with Docker on unRAID).


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