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crash or something after array start


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Hello unraid forums


yesterday i was watching a movie from plex when all of a sudden unraid crashed at the time i was at beta 6 10a (valid parity uptime over a week) i logged in with putty to try and reboot it because the web interface was unavailable. after that i was able to acces the webinterface again but when i want to start the array it kept on loading and got back to where i was stating unraid uptime less then a minute :(

so i decided to update to 12 in the hopes that would fix it but no:( same when i want to start the array it just crashes and starts back up again. i thought it was faulty usb so formatted that and put everything including key file on it to start over... same but now i noticed there is a yellow ball next to parity smart tests are ok but i think that is because parity is not valid anymore but could be wrong

anyways attached syslog


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I don't see anything wrong in this syslog, but it's short, 1 or 2 minutes duration.  UnRAID system looks fully operational, but array is not started (auto start is turned off).


I do have a few suggestions, but I can't say that any of them will fix the rebooting.

* run Memtest several times, it's on the UnRAID boot menu - perhaps you have a memory issue

* there are a few suspicious messages in the setup, particularly a BUG message related to the Atheros networking chipset.  I would check to see if your motherboard has a BIOS update available.

* your BIOS is from January of 2014, and I have no idea why any 2014 BIOS should default to IDE emulation for any SATA port.  Your SSD happens to be connected to a port in the wrong mode, which means far slower I/O speeds to it.  The motherboard is a little strange in that it supports 5 or 6 SATA ports onboard, using 2 different controllers, but the 3rd port is a dummy, unusable, perhaps not visible either.  You have 4 ports using the standard onboard chipset, with the 3rd of 4 a dummy.  Then you have 2 more ports supported by a different controller, and it is configured in your BIOS to use IDE emulation.  I would reboot and go into your BIOS settings and look for SATA settings that are not in a native SATA mode.  If an AHCI choice is available, that is the best choice, and will give you much better SSD performance.

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i updated my motherboard and changed the cache drive to the other sata controller where the other drives are connected to... but same thing the system was up all night without starting the array i did a mem test and it passed :( this is my motherboard FM2A88X-ITX+ since the network drivers were not available for unraid 5.0 i went for 6.0. How do i autostart the array after boot ? cant find an option anywhere in the webui


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