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can only get plex watch started not operational and interfering with sabnzb


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I have plex media server installed as a docker (needos), i have tried to install plex watch, it would not start then i noticed it was trying to use port 8080 so i changed the port to 6060 but it still wouldnt start and when i looked at the log it seemed to be complaining that it couldnt find a lof file and thats when i realised it needs to be pointed to....../mnt/user/appdata/plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Logs/ ..correct ?..well anyway it then starts fine so i assume thats correct, however, when i try to access the GUI interface it is going to http://localhost:8080/sabnzbd..my sab works on port 8081 for the GUI..which now doesnt work either...a little confused as to what i need to do/change

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