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AFP user share and write permissions


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I found some inconsistency concerning write permissions:


I have a user share, AFP security set to secure. Two users have read/write access.


I expected, that both users can add/modify/delete any stuff on the share. That is true for all files, uploaded by anyone of the 2 users. But folders created by one user cannot be renamed/deleted nor can stuff be uploaded to these folders by the other user.


Unix-Permissions are (example given for stuff created by user1):

Directories: drwxr-sr-x 1 user1 users

Files: -rw-r--r-- 1 user1 users


So from the Unix-Permissions, you would expect only user1 would have write access to both the folders and files. Seems the User Access setting in Unraid is independent from the Unix permissions.


Anyhow, shouldn't both users have write access to files AND folders independent of who created/uploaded them?


Edit: Running the newperms script fixes the problem, as it sets all directories to drwxrwsrwx. But if I create a new directory by user1 via AFP that again has drwxr-sr-x and thus makes this read only for user2. So I assume, there is something wrong with the default permissions for newly created or uploaded stuff.


Edit2: It seems to be an issue with AFP only. With SMB the new folder has drwxrwxrwx permissions. I've changed the subject accordingly.


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