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NFS share not being updated

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I've got a few linux machines on my LAN.

They are all connected to the NFS user shares.


I write some data to a folder in a user share from one machine, but on one of the linux boxes, the contents of the folder do not update. The other machine on the LAN see the updated contents of the NFS share.

The windows machines also see the updated contents of the user share folder.


It's just this one computer... I don't know what I need to do to get it to refresh the contents of the folder. This applies to ANY contents of any NFS user share, not just one folder.


If I reboot the machine, I see the updates contents of the folder.

I've tried re-mounting the share, I've tried stopping and starting the NFS client...


Any ideas what is going on, or what I can try? The machine not seeing the updates is an OpenSUSE 11.1 machine. All other linux boxes are openSuse 10.3


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