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Midnight Commander SFTP issue connecting to VPS


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I have a seedbox running on a vps that only allows authentication via SSH Private / Public keypairs and passphrase. I would love to be able to use midnight commander to transfer files FROM my unRAID server TO my VPS via an SFTP connection. No matter what I do, I can't get MC to login to my VPS using a key.

The ultimate goal is to be able to VPN into my home network when away, open up JuiceSSH on my phone, and use MC to transfer files straight into a directory in my seedbox. Anyone know of any way to accomplish this? I have tried settings up a config file in /root/.ssh config and putting info in there, but it seems to not even check this file. Any other method to accomplish the same goal would be just fine, although I have a feeling that MC would be the easiest for me.

I have a usenet auto upload script, that when files are placed into a certain folder, they are rar'n'pared, and uploaded to usenet automatically. I would love to able to do this from anywhere.

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I finally got midnight commander on unRAID to open a remote SSH directory with a private key to work. I created a file called "/root/.ssh/rsa_id" (it has to have 600 permissions), and pasting my private key into it in OpenSSH format. It was the specific naming of the file that I had off. I can now open a "SH connection" in the MC dropdown menu to "[email protected]:port/home/".  You can save the remote directory into MC as well, so the connection is easier to open. So now I can initiate file transfers from my unRAID server to my VPS very easily from phone, from anywhere.

I'm sure there's a more elegant solution, but this works very well for me, and it's secure. My VPS logins are all key based only, with password authentication disabled. This keeps a secure connection all the way from my phone to my home VPN server, and from there to my VPS.


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