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[SOLVED] Need help relaying email from Ubuntu VM


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I have a Ubuntu VM running on Xen and a few cron jobs on the VM backing up some files to my array. I've installed postfix on the Ubuntu VM and the cron jobs send mail to the local Ubuntu user.  I'm trying to configure postfix to send the emails via my ISP's smtp server so I don't t need to log into my VM to see the emails.  I've configured postfix to use my ISP's smtp as a relay but no-local emails are bounced back with a "sender domain" not found which is understandable as the sender is "myname@ubuntu."  How do I configure postfix and/or the Ubuntu VM to have a resolvable sender domain address?     

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I think for a straight-up Ubuntu VM, the simplest thing to use is "sendemail" (please note, the "e" in the center, this is not sendmail.)


No configuration needed, and sends mail from the command-line, or script. I use this on all my Mint installs.



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