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Memory stats and web gui


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Hello. I'll keep this quick. I have two unRAID boxes both with 8GB RAM one quad, one core2, both intels. (One is a dell, the other is custom) The custom one shows THIS for the RAM. I've got 8 installed, but I'm not sure why it says (max 2GB). It seems to run perfectly with a number of dockers running.


The Dell has 8GB as well and shows THIS. It's max 8GB. Any ideas?


As you can see with the dell there are no other stats. This has me stumped. I can access the shares and flash, but that's it. As soon as I boot and try the GUI is locks up almost immediately. What's odd is I had this at work setting it up over the course of a few days and never had an issue at all. Even worked overnight while I copied everything to the shares, then she quit. I know the disk only is about 50% full. From reading I've heard it would be the NIC? I've got an Intel and 3COM I can try, but I can't unmount the disk via telnet, reboot, shutdown, nothing. I have to pull the plug which starts a parity check on boot.


Any thoughts on this would be great. Thanks.

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This looks like v6, right?  I'm moving it to the v6 support board, but tell me if I'm wrong.


Some of the numbers presented there are real, and can be trusted.  Some of the numbers come from the DMI info in the BIOS, and are sometimes right, sometimes wrong, sometimes unreadable.  Max memory is a DMI number, what the BIOS *thinks* is the maximum you can install, but as you and others have found, it actually allowed and supported more.  The Dell of course has accurate DMI info.


Fans are always problematic, some are automatically supported, some are with much effort, and some aren't at all.


If you set it up at work, then your network settings may be only appropriate for the work network, not your home.  I would check them first, make sure it's a valid IP and other settings for your home network.


The Dell screen is on 'Errors', not 'General' which can make a difference.


Instead of pulling the plug, try the power button, as it should be tied into the powerdown function, give you a clean shutdown.


To figure out more, we need to see a syslog, so please see Need help? Read me first!.

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