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Stability of NFS on Unraid 6, use of Cache Pool as Datastore


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My ZFS VM is outgrowing its britches (upgrading drives in quads is a pain, I want that 6GB ram back!), so I was considering using mirrored disks in a BTRFS cache pool (some SSD, some spinners) as datastores for other VM's shared via NFS mount on unRaid. I also keep my photos on the ZFS filesystem (faster speed, bitrot prevention) This data would not be copied to the Array, just left on the cache pool drives as storage. I currently do this via napp-it/ZFS VM, but I'd love to 'downsize' and use unRaid for all my storage.


Does anyone have any experience with NFS shares in unRaid 6? I tried this in unRaid5, and the NFS shares proved to be a bit flakey at times. (Reconnect issues, stale file handles, etc.)


Also, how does the speed look for BTRFS cache pools? Anyone have any benchmarks with SSD vs spinners? (I didnt see any posted of late.)


I'm still on unRaid 5, but as the 6 RC's start trickling out, it seems like a good time to investigate!

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