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Drivers for Killer Network Adapter

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That's clearly the marketing name for it, what you need is the actual name for the networking chipset they used.  Try to boot the system (no drives needed) with a flash with a fresh unRAID prepared on it (with a copy of your key file in config folder), and capture the syslog and the results of lspci and a few of the Console Commands for Networking.  Some example commands -


cp /var/log/syslog /boot/syslogmsitest.txt

lspci >/boot/lspci.txt

ethtool -i eth0 >/boot/netdriver.txt

ifconfig >/boot/ifconfig.txt


A recent v6 distro is more likely to have up-to-date drivers, so make sure you try a v6 on that flash.


You can examine these files yourself, or if you wish, you can zip them all up and attach here for others to examine.

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