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[Delete] Docker Scrub Issue


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When I click "Scrub" it outputs this error message

ERROR: getting dev info for scrub failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device

I started this server back on 6b6 or so, currently on 6rc3.


My cache drive is a SSD formatted BTRFS (via webGUI).  Docker is enabled, version 1.6.2, path "/mnt/cache/docker/docker/" size 10GB. Docker Volume information reports "btrfs-progs v4.0". Log shows "May 24 12:41:16 Server emhttp: btrfs scrub start /var/lib/docker -B -R -d -r 2>&1"



Well... turns out the old docker config was corrupting shit... formatted the flash and followed the new steps for the image path and it works.

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