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Determine which Drive was Parity


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Something happened to my server and I was unable to take a screenshot of my old configuration.  Is there a way to determine the parity drive from the .cfg files or in some other way? Or an easy way to restore the disk and share setup?

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... if you had a cache drive, you'll also need to look at the file system on the drives => assuming you used btrfs for the cache, it will stand out from the data drives.    If not, then it's probably a much smaller drive, so the size of the drive is another good clue.


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Another quicker way is to view the super.dat file (in the config folder), with any editor that can view binary files.  The very first drive listed is the Parity drive.


Or at a console or telnet session, you can use the strings command (first drive is the parity) -


  strings /boot/config/super.dat

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