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USB Drive Failure?


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Hello All,


I have an issue I would appreciate any help with.  I had 6.12beta (Pro) running on my Unraid machine until a recent power outage.  Upon reboot I get an error saying "unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0 0) unraid". From my research it seems my USB stick may be the issue.  I would like advice on how to proceed.


I planned on reformatting the USB stick and reinstalling the latest Unraid 6 onto it. 


Does this sound like a good plan?  If so, any suggestions or guidance is greatly appreciated.


Thank you for taking the time to read my post.


T. Campbell

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Thank you for taking the time to respond.  All help is greatly appreciated as I've really taken to Unraid and enjoy using it.  I ran the Check Disk tool and found no issues.  I loaded the unlicensed (Unraid6) version on a new USB drive and it booted successfully. At this point I feel I should transfer my Pro license to this new drive. 


Am I correct I will need to re-download my dockers and set them back up?


T. Campbell

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I was able to boot with my first USB drive (the one I believed was faulty/bad).  I'm not exactly sure why, but no complaints here.  I have ordered an Uninterrupted Power Supply for my server.  Lesson learned.


T. Campbell

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