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No drives found (Unraid 6)


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Hi gents,

I'm testing a new installation of Unraid 6 rc5 with just 1 drive in the enclosure, but it doesn't seem to see it at all.


I'm not a Linux guru, so can't really pinpoint the reason from syslog (attached).

It does contain the line showing that drive, which is more confusing if it weren't detected at all...


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There's a Hitachi drive there, but it's on a very strange controller, and the drive is not accessible.  I suspect you have a RAID card that's not configured correctly.  It has to be configured as something other than a RAID mode, possibly with a different non-RAID firmware.  You might check the drives and controllers forum for more help.  Look for threads about your exact card model.

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Then it's almost certainly not compatible.  unRAID cannot use a RAID card, unless it can be converted or reprogrammed as a non-RAID card, and then is only compatible if the drivers for it are already included.  Like many other similar products, you do have to use compatible hardware.  I'm sorry.

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Then it's almost certainly not compatible.  unRAID cannot use a RAID card, unless it can be converted or reprogrammed as a non-RAID card, and then is only compatible if the drivers for it are already included.  Like many other similar products, you do have to use compatible hardware.  I'm sorry.


Not quite true. UnRaid does support Areca RAID cards with a few peculiarities.

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