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I need help on how to replace a hard drive


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i am using unRaid OS v6.01

I recently replaced my 4tb WD Red parity drive with a 6tb HGST because my 4tb drives were starting to fill to capacity.

I pre-cleared 3 new 6tb drives using the new Preclear plugin and it went perfectly.

The change in parity drives went well and a new parity check went without error.

Now I have to replace 2 of the 4tb Data drives. In anticipation I copied all the media data from the movies share on drives #1 (sdf) and #2 (sdh) to one of the 6tb drives that is in drive location #11 and now labeled as sdm.

My share setup on drives 1 and 2:

Name:  movies

SMB:    public

NFS:    public

Allocation: Fillup

Min:    40gb

Split level:  Auto split any directory

I did not setup a share on the new drive and placed the media in folders.

I need to know how to remove the two old drives.

Then how to put the new drives into positions 1 and 2

And then set up the movies share again

Thanks in advance

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