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Upgraded to UnRaid 6 from UnRaid 5 - now transfer to UnRaid server is very slow.


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Hi All,


Upgraded to UnRaid 6 last week. Clean install as per instructions.


No cache drive in the server - no changes to network.


Transfers from desktop to UnRaid 5 were approx 35 MB/s - now on UnRaid 6 they go at 6-7 MB/s max.


Transfers from UnRaid to the same desktop run at approx 60 MB/s - both pre and post upgrade.  (Note: Using exact same file).


Which suggests the network is still fine - and the issue is instead writing to the server now on UnRaid 6?


Note: One HDD shows up as red thumb in terms of SMART status I imagine because of this - (5 Reallocated Sector Ct 0x0033 100 100 036 Pre-fail Always-8  ) - but SMART Overall Health is a PASS.


So - I am thinking of downgrading back to 5 (using my saved backup) unless someone has any smart ideas?


Thanks in advance.






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Try replacing the Ethernet cable to that PC.    If one pair has continuity issues, the speed in one direction can degrade to 100MB (or even 10Mb).    It's also possible you have a switch or router port that's having the same issue ... so if it's not the cable, try using a different port.


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