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Unstable server after upgrading to version 6


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I've been running an unRAID version 5.xx server very stable for a couple of years now but after upgrading to version 6.0.1 it has become unstable. It's up for approximately one day and then the Web UI becomes unresponsive and I can't access my shares. The server is still accessible via telnet and running htop reveals that I have two processes running att 100% CPU (see attached screenshot). I can't kill these processes and the only way to get out of this state is to execute a "reboot -n -f" command. The syslog don't give any hints. Can anyone help me???


To complicate things I installed a new disk right after upgrading to version 6 (before I had seen any instabilities).


My basic configuration can be found in the attached screenshot. All disks but disk4 is included in a share called Media that is exported via AFP. Disk4 is used for Time Machine backups only.


Please let me know if I can share any more information!




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