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Help removing non working docker


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I have 2 containers from the same repo that I added to try out, and later decided to remove, but when I try to remove them I get the following error:



root@localhost:# /usr/bin/docker rm -f distracted_jones

Error response from daemon: no such id: distracted_jones

time="2015-08-01T10:26:49-04:00" level=fatal msg="Error: failed to remove one or more containers"


The command failed.





root@localhost:# /usr/bin/docker rmi c8c0928d2e27

Error response from daemon: No such image: c8c0928d2e27

time="2015-08-01T10:26:49-04:00" level=fatal msg="Error: failed to remove one or more images"


The command failed.


Is there a way to remove these manually form the command line? I guess they're not hurting anything it's just irritating me!

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