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accessing my windows VM via network


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sorry for the silly question but bear with me as im new to this


Ive setup a Window 8.1 Vm i can see it through VNC and all seems ok


How do i see that Virtual machine from my main computer?


Tower is sitting on the default

the VM has an IP of


so ho do i get to the VM from my machine which is

i was hoping to host a web server and a few other bits and bobs from the VM

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I would suggest it'd be far easier to just "bridge" the network port so your VM's are on the same network as your other devices. e.g. 192.168.1.xxx


Settings -> Network settings -> Setup bridge -> change to "yes".

... and then change the VM network settings to use the bridge that has just been set up (i.e. probably change from 'virtbr0' to 'br0').

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